parses logfiles from Squid, NetCache, Inktomi Traffic Server, Apache Traffic Server, Novell Internet Caching System, Compaq Tasksmart or Netscape/iplanet Web Proxy Server and generates a report. Written in perl5.
- Calamaris V2 (V2.59, V3-beta-version: V2.99.4.8)
- Reports:
- Summary
- Peak-usage report
- Request-Method-report (ICP_QUERY, GET, HEAD, ...)
- Status-report of incoming UDP-Requests
- Status-report of incoming TCP-Requests
- Status-report of outgoing Requests
- Status-report of Neighbor-Caches
- report about requested second- or third-level-domains
- report about requested Top-Level-Domains
- Protocol-report (http, gopher, ftp, ...)
- report about requested Content-Types
- report about requested file-extensionen
- report of incoming UDP-requests per Host
- report of incoming TCP-requests per Host
- report of size-based Distribution of Objects
- report about performance in defined timeranges.
- report about the distribution of transaction-times (only V3-beta version)
- report about the distribution of http-errorcodes (only V3-beta version)
- extended report about file-extensions (only V3-beta version)
- more information in the other reports (only V3-beta version)
- Other features:
- caching of the parsed data
- HTML-Output and HTML-Frame-Output (only V3-beta version)
- graphics (only V3-beta version)
- command-line-options
- configuration-file (only V3-beta version)
- GNU General Public License
- Demo report (Demo report V3-beta-Version)
- Demo HTML-report (Demo HTML-report V3-beta-Version Demo HTML-Frame-report V3-beta-Version)
- ChangeLog
- Download Calamaris V2.59 (Download Calamaris V2.99.4.8)
- Calamaris-Announce-Mailinglist: send mail to with Mailbody 'subscribe'.
- Debian-Packages are here: search Calamaris-Package
- Calamaris-rpms at
- a FreeBSD-port here:
- and a NetBSD-Package here:
- You can make Cord happy(ier) here: Wishlist
- Calamaris V1 (V1.20)
- old version of Calamaris. Use calamaris v2 instead. (Demo-report)