
Scratchbox: You must close your other scratchbox sessions first

after playing around a little bit with maemo inside scratchbox, i managed to break the packetsystem beyond repair... so i wanted to start again, but the told me:

E: You must close your other scratchbox sessions first

so... where to go from here? knows it:

sb-conf killall

are the magic words. lets start again.

Scratchbox: Inconsistency detected by

As i blogged before i'm going to be the happy (?) owner of a Nokia N810. On this device runs a Linux with a special distribution and there is also a Development SDK, which can be run on ia32-machines.

This SDK relies on Scratchbox, so i just downloaded and tried to install it. This works smoothly, they provide a shellscript, which downloads all needed components and feeds them to dpkg.

But, when i try to start Scratchbox i get

mutt: autoviewing text/html

it sometimes funny, i'm working with mutt since about 10 years, (the 5 years before i was using elm) and just found out how i can view pure text/html-Mails without fiddeling with piping and things.

set implicit_autoview

in .muttrc does the trick.

but now mutt also prefers the text/html-part of multipart/alternative-mails, this is going to far for me. i want the text/plain-part if available. mutt has also a solution here:

alternative_order text/plain text/html


sendmail uses ident by default

I have no idea how the other major MTAs handle this, but sendmail seems to issue an ident-auth-request on each connect it gets.

As i think this is rather useless, as most hosts don't answer it, and, even if they would, the answer is easily fakeable, i switched it off.


define(`confTO_IDENT', `0')dnl

to /etc/mail/ disables this. Sadly this isn't documented, for confTO_IDENT it only states


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